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By: Mary Shank Rockman Public relations specialists now outnumber journalists 6-1; Here’s what MSR Communications’ Principal Mary Shank Rockman believes this means for PR pros and the industry.  The impact of PR professionals on the media industry is about to change as newsrooms continue to shrink. With readership habits increasingly favoring digital platforms, the media… View Article
Originally published March 19, 2024 | By: Hebberly Ahatlan As a PR agency we’re always thrilled when our clients get to demonstrate their expertise such as this article written by Hebberly Ahatlan, product marketing director at Intertrust Technologies. As our client, Intertrust is leading the future of interconnected systems, establishing trust in energy and media… View Article
Posted By: Trevor Turner We all covet authenticity, yet many of us claim authenticity without always embodying it truthfully. Achieving 100% authenticity is often hindered by societal expectations and situational demands. For instance, attending a job interview in a bathing suit or joining a professional Zoom call shirtless would be widely deemed inappropriate, regardless of… View Article
Originally published March 8, 2024 | By: Isabelle Bousquette In this Wall Street Journal article, we learn how public relations agency MSR Communciation’s client Conversica helped a lesser-known candidate, Jason Palmer, defy the odds to win in American Samoa’s Democratic caucus. This remarkable turn of events sheds light on the transformative potential of innovative campaign… View Article
Originally published January 18, 2024 | By: Jessica Booth In this Forbes feature, we learn the intricacies of the INTJ personality type, as defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The article opens by explaining what the MBTI assessment involves, its limits, and what each letter in the typing means for an INTJ. The article… View Article
Originally published January 17, 2024 | By: Florian Kolb In this article, Kolb, Chief Commercial Officer and General Manager of Energy at Intertrust Technologies, explains Texas’ unique challenges regarding its energy ecosystem. Specifically, the isolation of the grid and the decentralization of generation, transmission, distribution, and retail operations which cause issues with reliability. According to… View Article
By: Jacob Drouin With 2023’s artificial intelligence boom, investments and innovation in tech took a hard pivot toward machine learning. Leading into the new year, companies and organizations across all sectors are searching for ways to optimize and reimagine what they do using the technology. Still, with media coverage of AI almost exclusively focused around… View Article