By   |  June 23, 2021

Is the nature of certain kinds of work dampening workplace inequalities during COVID? According to John Hackston, research shows that people who have more autonomy and flexibility in their jobs are generally faring better along many measures of well-being during the pandemic than those who have more rigid workplace cultures and rules. The catch is that the kind of autonomy and flexibility in question is usually much more common for high-paying positions than it is for blue-collar work. 

Work, in general, according to the article, helps people cope better with the stress of the pandemic, and the more control over various aspects of work that people have, the better they’re able to cope with the stress of it all. Conversely, this means that people with little control over their work schedules and conditions–who tend to be paid less–are having greater difficulty coping.

Read the full article on Thrive Global.