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Originally posted on September 11, 2023 | By: TechTarget

Much of the world became aware of generative AI and large language models with the release of Dall-E and ChatGPT last year, but Conversica CEO Jim Kaskade has known about the technology since 2019.

Kaskade said he learned a lot during a walk with a top AI executive at Google about where the tech giant was heading with generative AI technology.

Once he became CEO of the AI vendor specializing in digital assistants, he looked for ways to apply the technology in a way that was disruptive on the scale of earlier world-changing technologies.

Kaskade’s company’s brand of disruption is conversational AI and the generative AI-powered digital assistants that he sees as an automated workforce that will eventually ease the burden of much menial work now done by humans.

Listen to the whole conversation on large language models here.