Shaking the HPC In-Memory Stack

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Many who have been in HPC for a number of years will remember #GridGain, the in-memory computing company that has found success at a number of commercial and academic high performance computing sites since its official launch in 2010—an effort backed with an initial $13 million in investment, which got another boost last year with a Series B round of an additional $10 million.

While the company still has firm roots in HPC and is vocal about the advantages of in-memory approaches for scientific applications, it’s using some of its VC funds to look beyond its supercomputing roots with some new hooks inside the platform that have broader enterprise appeal. This is one that takes critical lessons from HPC, but ties it together with Java string, a newly-announced open source version for foot-in-the-door movement, and a platform approach to in-memory that teases out high performance computing, streaming data processing, and Hadoop acceleration with claws in several cloud capabilities to boot.

Click here to read the full article on @GridGain via @HPCWire.