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Good news for those with a stake in that endlessly evolving practice we call “content marketing”: the public has accepted it – for the most part.

74% of the general public trusts content from businesses that aim to educate readers about a particular topic.

A soon-to-be-released survey performed by CMS software producer Kentico tells us more. The survey, part of Kentico’s ongoing Digital Experience research series, involved more than 300 American adults and came to some other important conclusions.

The key is value and objectivity:

-Customer trust goes down by 46% when content can’t be corroborated with third-party sources

-17% of customers don’t trust content that fails to address alternate perspectives

-15% discard materials when it’s not clear which company is sponsoring them

-Tone is also important: 12% of respondents don’t care for content that “talks down” to them

-No sales allowed: a full 29% of respondents don’t trust anything that ends with a product pitch.


To read more about the continuous digital experience research Kentico is conducting, please click here or you can visit their website at