The decision about whether to breastfeed a baby is a deeply personal and important one. There are a host of short and long-term health benefits to breastfeeding, for both mother and baby, but they don’t diminish the validity of formula. For couples and new parents, there’s a lot that goes into the decision of whether to breastfeed or use formula.

Though the choice might seem daunting, at its heart it’s nothing more than an open conversation about the pros and cons of both options. It’s one of the first choices you get to make for your baby. Being real with your co-parent about what you both want for your child has its own benefits as well — deep communication only works to strengthen a relationship. In the end, the decision is entirely personal — some people are unable to breastfeed, and some choose not to — the most important thing is that you weigh the options carefully and gather information to make whichever method you choose best for your baby.

For those who choose to breastfeed, there are a number of ways to make sure the nutrition in your breastmilk is maximized. There are some (but not many) dietary considerations, but you’ll be pleased to know that healthy breastmilk doesn’t require very much maintenance. Your body is very good at it! There are definitely ways to make sure the baby is getting everything they need. Indeed, many mothers may want to consider adding supplements to their natural milk and removing allergens from their diets.

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