By Joe Lemire

On my good days, I am a decidedly mediocre swimmer: adequate speed, no endurance. I just can’t pace myself. In high school P.E. class, we went into the diving pool and were told to tuck ourselves into a ball, hold our breath for 10 seconds and see how close to the surface we stayed.

When my internal clock struck 10, I began paddling up. And up. And up and up and up. I must have been 12 feet deep in the 14-foot pool. I felt as triumphant as a humpback whale breaching the surface when I finally made it. The P.E. teacher had warned that there’s a sinker in every class, and I found my nautical calling as an anchor that day.

All of this is to say that swimming requires tremendous effort on my part. Proper coaching and technique would help, I’m sure, but for now I sprint laps with my energy-wasting form and bottom-dwelling body type.

This summer, I was offered a chance to try the new Finis Smart Goggle with a sensor that tracks workouts and offers a real-time display in a swimmer’s peripheral vision. My results were not pretty.

Read the full article at SportTechie