Myth #1: Everyone needs eight hours of sleep per night

Fact: Everyone has different needs, and often it comes down to genetics. Researchers recently claimed to have identified the variant “Margaret Thatcher gene” that allows some people to function normally on as little as four hours of sleep per night.

Myth #2: If you don’t remember your dreams, you aren’t dreaming

Fact: Some people are more prone to recalling their dreams than others. Often, vivid dreams are recalled because there is a disruption in your REM sleep—the cycle when most dreaming occurs. If this cycle isn’t interrupted, it’s possible that you won’t recall even emotionally intense dreams.

Myth #3: Getting up early will increase your productivity

Fact: According to many articles on, many people work better later in the day and even at night. The American Academy for Pediatrics has been recommending later start times at school while some sleep scientists recently began pushing for later start times at work to help fight sleep deprivation among teens and adults.

Myth #4: You can catch up on lost sleep

Fact: Numerous studies have shown that you can not “catch up” on lost sleep. One study conducted in New Zealand suggests that people who regularly try to catch up on sleep during weekends are more likely to develop obesity and diabetes.

Myth #5: Successful people don’t sleep very much

Fact: The sleep patterns of many famously successful people, such as Picasso and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, fall in the average 7-8 hour range.

Myth #6: A nightcap before bed will help with sleep

Fact: Alcohol may help you fall asleep faster, but it suppresses the REM stage, resulting in less and poorer quality sleep. The ones with an addiction to any of these detrimental objects are likely to have a longer but a dangerous nap. They will need drug treatment to walk back from the abuse to quality life.

Myth #7: Warm milk before bed will help you fall asleep

Fact: Warm milk is among the many home remedies for sleep that have absolutely no evidence backing them up. That said, when it comes to your pre-bedtime routine, relaxation is a must. If warm milk puts you in a more relaxed state before bed, then by all means enjoy yourself.

Myth #8: There is no such thing as beauty sleep

Fact: Several studies have suggested that people do in fact look physically better after a good night’s rest.

Myth #9: People who have trouble falling asleep should go to bed earlier

Chasing sleep is one of the leading causes of ongoing insomnia. As counter-intuitive as it may sound, wait until you are feeling really sleepy before crawling into bed. If you still find it difficult to fall asleep, do something quiet and relaxing until the sleepiness comes back.

Myth #10: Older people require less sleep

Fact: As we age, we lose neurons in the part of the brain that controls sleep. It’s not that older people require less sleep. Their bodies simply won’t let them have it.

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