INFJ: Most likely to mistype as ENFJ

Extroverted feeling feeds off the emotions of others, which means that INFJs require a great deal of social time in order to remain emotionally stable. This type is highly likely to appear extroverted to those around them, as they are most animated and enthusiastic when they are in the company of others.* Most INFJs are assumed to be ENFJs by others upon first meeting them.

*This is also an important distinction between INFJ and INFP types, as they often mistype as one another. INFJs glean energy from almost any form of positive social interaction, even the ‘niceties’ of small talk, as their extroverted feeling is highly in tune with social conventions/norms. INFPs on the other hand, are only energized by social interaction if it plays on their extroverted intuition – for example, if they are brainstorming ideas with someone or discussing a philosophical issue. The INFJ certainly prefers discussing the ‘big picture issues’ if given the choice, but they’re infinitely more comfortable with small talk than their INFP cousin.

Also likely to mistype as: INTJ

Why this mistype happens: Introverted intuition is the first function that INFJs develop – and this function is cold and detached when standing alone. Before an INFJ adequately develops their extroverted feeling, they may come across as calculating and unemotional to others. This often evens out by the INFJ’s late teen years – however, if they are unaware of how cognitive functions operate, the INFJ is likely to continue believing themselves to be an INTJ indefinitely.

Types that are most likely to mistype as INFJ: INFP, ISFJ

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