Want some advice? You probably do.

Whether it’s to eat healthier, run faster, work smarter, love better, or simply get that bathroom door to stop squeaking, we are a culture that devours practical information and advice.

The proof is all around us. It’s why weight loss is a $60 billion industry; why self-help experts still dominate daytime television; and why media brands devoted to health, gardening, fitness, and money continue to publish the same listicles on every magazine cover.

The evidence is equally powerful online. According to a 2008 Pew Research survey, 83 percent of American Internet users seek out information on their hobbies and interests, 75 percent seek health information and advice, and 55 percent look for how-to information. Providing useful tips is a now critical part of what most major publications offer, whether it’s BuzzFeed, The Huffington Post, or The Wall Street Journal.

But giving good advice isn’t as easy as it seems. There is an art and science to service journalism that’s easy to overlook. And as a result, much of the advice being doled out by businesses, governments, nonprofits, and even established editorial outlets isn’t as effective as it could be with a few strategic tweaks.

Click here to read the 8 ways you can give better advice to your audience!