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By Lucy Siegel | September 22, 2020 If you were a fly on the wall listening to conversations by advertising and marketing professionals from a digital marketing agency, you’d very likely hear some grumbling and grousing about “earned media” in contrast to paid, owned, and shared media. It’s difficult to quantify its value; harder than… View Article
By Michael Burke | September 11, 2020 Fake news is not a fake problem. It can reshape public opinion, influence elections, and even lead to societal instability. While it has been around at least as long as newspapers, its negative effects in free societies were relatively mild until the advent of social media, which now… View Article
By Mary Shank Rockman | September 1, 2020 Did you know the 19th Amendment to The U.S. Constitution that helped confront traditional gender conventions for the rights of all women to vote was certified into law 100 years ago on August 26, 1920? While the celebration of this centennial milestone is extraordinarily significant, it also… View Article